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From start up to scale up

Fortice - From start up to scale up
Fortice - From start up to scale up

Fortice had supported the growth of our client, from people-first start up of 10 to 75 heads and a subsequent £25M buyout. Happily, we were retained by our client to deliver 15 permanent hires over a 3 month period when direct attraction wasn’t working.

The plan was to develop a take to market campaign aimed at passive permanent candidates and rewrite job specs to encourage under-represented talent to apply to aid with their D&I targets. We also aimed to establish a knowledge sharing approach with the existing team for MI.

The rollout of a ‘live’ tracker enabled all stakeholders real time access to anyone in process. The result was improved efficiency and reduced time to hire. We also introduced changes to the process that reduced dropouts by 30%.

We felt that we had added value to our client and reinvigorated their sense of independence despite the fact that they were now owned by a large defence prime. We also introduced our client to long-term industry partners to support dual-bids and enhance delivery across D&S and National Security.

Finally, we created and improved a well-received Value Proposition.

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